UniSuper appoints Head of Fixed Interest

March 2024

Global Investment Institute congratulates Mathew McCrum on his appointment as the Head of Fixed Interest at UniSuper.

UniSuper is one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds and is run solely for the benefit of its members. Although it recently (2021) opened the fund to all Australians, for more than 40 years it has been managing super on behalf of people employed in the higher education and research sector. It currently manages more than A$130 billion in assets on behalf of more than 634,000 members (as at 31 December 2023).

We wish Mathew all the best in his new role and continued success to the UniSuper team.

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Dini Soulio appointed Chief Executive of Super SA

March 2024

Global Investment Institute congratulates Dini Soulio on his appointment as the Chief Executive Officer of Super SA.

Super SA is a superannuation fund for South Australian public sector workers with A$37 billion in assets under management.

We wish Dini all the best in his new role and continued success to the Super SA team.

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Spotlight on Jennifer Anderson, Global Head of Sustainable Investment & ESG, Lazard Asset Management

Jennifer is a Managing Director, Global Head of Sustainable Investment and ESG at Lazard Asset Management Limited (London) and oversees the firm’s Sustainable Investment and ESG integration strategy.

According to Jennifer, in the current environment there are a number of key developments unfolding that any climate committed investor ought to be thinking about: 

·      Global tensions and upcoming elections may impact how governments seek to implement climate and sustainability policies. This presents opportunities for active investors that can actively assess the impact these dynamics have on companies, and their supply chains. 

·      Higher stakes from physical risks, such as rising temperatures, increased heat, wild fire and flooding are not yet priced in but present material risks for both corporates and sovereigns.

 ·      ESG views are increasingly becoming polarised with divergent ESG expectations, regulation and standard between clients and regions. Asset owners must therefore fully understand the medium to long-term implications of their own net zero goals and the practical path towards implementation.

Jennifer will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Net Zero Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email zlatan.kapetanovic@globalii.com.au.

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Spotlight on Nico Aspinall, Sustainability Advocate, Newton Investment Management

Nico is a Sustainability Advocate at Newton Investment Management, responsible for promoting their sustainable investment proposition, with a particular focus on climate change.

 “Addressing greenhouse-gas emissions is an urgent and critical task. Investment is needed to accelerate the shift towards a ‘greener’ world to protect our economy, society and environment from climate change, and we need to do it at pace.

That means investors investing in the companies that are already part of the future energy and technology mix, as well as those that are part of the current mix but earnestly planning to be a part of the future one. It also means investing in the regions where the vast majority of future emissions will originate – emerging markets.”

Nico will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Net Zero Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email zlatan.kapetanovic@globalii.com.au.

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Spotlight on Amanda O’Toole, Partner & Portfolio Manager, Clean Economy Strategy & Biodiversity Strategy, Redwheel

Amanda is a partner at Redwheel and leads the team responsible for the Redwheel Biodiversity and Clean Economy strategies. Her primary focus is the management of these two strategies, both of which are actively managed portfolios of listed equities, offering products and services that contribute to the protection of biodiversity and the transition to a cleaner future.

“The transition in natural capital and biodiversity protection will impact activities throughout our economic system and it will impact all portfolios. Sophisticated investors must first seek to understand their exposure to physical, transition, and reputational risk.”

Amanda will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Net Zero Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email zlatan.kapetanovic@globalii.com.au.

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Guy Shearman joins Mercer as Senior Sustainable Investment Analyst

March 2024

Global Investment Institute congratulates Guy Shearman on joining Mercer as a Senior Sustainable Investment Analyst, in their Melbourne office.

Mercer is the world’s largest investment consulting firm, with US$15.5 trillion in assets under advisement, as well as US$380 billion in assets under management. In Australia, the Mercer Super Trust is one of the largest superannuation funds with approximately A$66 billion in assets under management.

We wish Guy all the best in his new role and continued success to the Mercer team.

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Spotlight on Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate & Biodiversity Strategist, Robeco

Lucian is a Climate and Biodiversity Strategist at Robeco, where he is primarily responsible for overseeing Robeco’s work on decarbonising investment portfolios and integrating climate and nature-related risks and opportunities in the investment processes.

“Biodiversity for us is not a matter of protecting an exotic frog in South America or a rare orchid in Asia – important though that is. More than half of the world’s economic output valued at US$44 trillion is dependent on nature, while nature loss costs upwards of US$479 billion a year. Our own study showed that one-quarter of Robeco’s assets under management were dependent on at least one ecosystem service, while 29% of investments impacted biodiversity in some way. Protecting biodiversity is therefore not just ‘nice to have’ – it’s a matter of economic necessity.”

Lucian will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Net Zero Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email zlatan.kapetanovic@globalii.com.au.

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SuperCareers - Job opportunities for executives and senior investment professionals across our industry

March 2024

This month’s featured job vacancies and opportunities include roles at Future Fund, Australian Super, Australian Retirement Trust, Aware Super, Frontier Advisors, Hostplus, QIC, HESTA, Northern Trust, First Sentier, Grok Ventures and more.

If you would like us to promote a job vacancy at your organisation for executive and senior investment roles, please contact us.

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Spotlight on Milan Vidojevic, Director, Quantitative Solutions, Northern Trust AM

Milan Vidojevic is Director, Quantitative Solutions at Northern Trust Asset Management where he is responsible for developing quantitative solutions for institutional investors across Australia, Asia Pacific, and Europe.

Milan discusses his views on how the landscape of sustainable investing is rapidly involving within the equities domain, with there being a growing trend towards aligning 2D financial goals (return, risk) with sustainability objectives, resulting in 3D (return, risk, sustainability) investment solutions, where all three elements are of equal prominence. As a result, institutional investors are increasingly adopting systematic strategies to efficiently integrate diverse sustainability dimensions and bolster risk management.

Milan will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Net Zero Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email zlatan.kapetanovic@globalii.com.au.

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Damen Kloeckner promoted to Deputy Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst at Perpetual Private

February 2024

Global Investment Institute congratulates Damen Kloeckner on his promotion to the position Deputy Portfolio Manager & Research Analyst at Perpetual Private, within their investment team.

Perpetual Private is part of the Perpetual Group, a diversified financial services company that has been serving Australians since 1886, listed on the ASX and headquartered in Sydney, Australia. Perpetual provides asset management, private wealth and trustee services to local and international clients with operations spanning Australia, Asia, Europe, the UK and the US.

We wish Damen all the best in his new role and continued success to the Perpetual Private team.

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Allan Chen appointed Head of Private Markets at Qantas Super

February 2024

Global Investment Institute congratulates Allan Chen on his appointment as Head of Private Markets at Qantas Super.

Qantas Super is one of Australia’s largest corporate superannuation funds managing ~A$9 billion in assets on behalf of their 30,000 members.

We wish Allan all the best in his new role and continued success to the Qantas Super team.

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The challenge of active engagement in a world of passive ownership

Jonathan Bailey, Global Head of ESG & Impact Investing, Managing Director, Neuberger Berman

In this exclusive interview with the Global Investment Institute (GII), Jonathan shares the areas of focus driving his team’s research agenda, he addresses the implications of the upcoming US Presidential election on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the role for active engagement and how to measure companies’ true progress towards reducing real world emissions.

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