We connect institutional investors and family office investment leaders with peers and global investment experts to share knowledge and thought leadership via our bespoke investment forums (in-person and online) and digital media channels.
To optimise outcomes for members, constituents and stakeholders of institutional asset owner organisations and family offices through the pursuit of global best practice in capital allocation and management.
Global Investment Institute agendas are tailored in consultation with various Advisory Committees which are made up of senior investors, board members and executives representing the most progressive, innovative and largest funds (by AUM) in Australia. We also leverage the intellectual capital of subject matter specialists, practitioners and thought leaders from a global network, to ensure the topics presented are current, relevant, leading edge and thought-provoking.
Our invitation only investment forums and seminars are targeted, intimate events where the total number of participants, including sponsors, ranges from approximately 20-50, depending on the event. We ensure that delegates attending our investment seminars and roundtables are key decision makers within the asset owner community. At each of our investment forums participant numbers are limited to maintain quality standards, enable ample opportunity for delegates to meet, network and engage, thus ensuring knowledge is transferred efficiently and effectively.
“As a general rule, the most successful (person) in life is the one who has the best information.”
Seating arrangements are structured and carefully planned to support networking and effective information sharing between delegates. To maximise networking opportunities, we alternate seating arrangements throughout the day and during the evenings. This ensures that delegates have the opportunity to meet their peers and exchange knowledge, thereby helping to foster collaboration and industry best practice. We also ensure that the number of asset owner delegates in attendance at our investment seminars always exceeds that of fund managers, asset consultants and others attending.
We enforce a strict no marketing rule at our investment forums when presentations are made. This is done to maintain an environment conducive to knowledge sharing and thought leadership. Our experienced team works closely with speakers in generating innovative ideas and ensuring that content presented is of highest quality and relevance, challenging delegates to think beyond the constraints of mainstream ideas. Our focus on thought leadership, education and the interactive nature of forum delivery is strongly endorsed by delegates.
The discretion and privacy of our delegates is sacrosanct to us and we are dedicated to upholding Chatham House rule ( explained in more detail below) at all our investment seminars and forums. This allows for more frank conversations, information sharing and engagement between peers and enables participants to gain real/unincumbent insights on investments and investment related topics.
The discretion and privacy of our delegates is sacrosanct to us.
All Global Investment Institute events, in-person and virtual, adhere to Chatham House Rule which helps create a trusted environment, enabling frank and honest interactions.
Its guiding spirit is: share the information you receive, but do not reveal the identity of who said it.
The Rule reads as follows:
“When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”