Two new senior hires to bolster Aware Super's investment leadership team

August 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Aware Super on the appointment of two senior hires who will further bolster its investment leadership team as it continues on its journey toward growing their FUM to AU$250 billion.

Aware Super is already one of Australia’s largest industry funds providing superannuation, advice and retirement solutions to those who teach, nurse, care, respond and help others in our communities. The Fund currently manages a combined asset pool of AU$125 billion on behalf of its 1.1 million members.

Joining from September 2023 in the role Head of Portfolio Management, Simon Warner and Chief Operating Officer – Investments, Justin Howell, they will be reporting directly to Aware’s Chief Investment Officer, Damian Graham.

We wish Simon and Justin all the best in their new roles and continued success to the team at Aware Super.

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Jo Cornwell appointed to Head of Manager Research role at Evidentia Group

August 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Jo Cornwell on joining Evidentia Group in the role Head of Manager Research.

Evidentia Group is a boutique asset consultant, building and managing investment portfolios for a select group of Australia’s leading Private Wealth firms.

In her role as Head of Manager Research, Jo has responsibility for the manager research and portfolio construction process, as a key member of the investment team. Jo also has a focus on packaging and communicating her proprietary manager research findings to ensure the team’s asset consultants and partner advice firms receive exclusive, timely and high value insights.

We wish Jo all the best in her new role and continued success to the team at Evidentia Group.

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Spotlight on Dr Michael Hunstad, Deputy CIO & CIO Global Equities, Northern Trust Asset Management

“Investors seeking to mitigate climate-change risk have traditionally focused on de-carbonisation by reducing exposure to companies with relatively high carbon emissions or fossil fuel reserves. While these strategies have reduced carbon exposures, they can bring unintended risks. We think investors need to take a more nuanced view to prevent sector biases, low-quality financial fundamentals, and poor ESG performance”, remarks Dr Michael Hunstad, Deputy CIO and CIO of Global Equities, Northern Trust Asset Management.

Michael will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Equities Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 at the Westin Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email

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State Super appoints Jonathan Chung to lead its Defined Contribution equity strategies

August 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Jonathan Chung on being promoted to the role of Senior Investment Manager - Equities at State Super. In his new role Jonathan will lead State Super’s Defined Contribution equity strategies.

State Super is the Trustee of the State Authorities Superannuation Scheme (SASS), State Superannuation Scheme (SSS) and Police Superannuation Scheme (PSS). The assets of all schemes have been combined into the STC Pooled Fund. State Super is one of Australia's largest superannuation schemes with over 90,000 members and AU$38 billion in assets (as at 30 June 2022).

We wish Jonathan all the best in his new role and continued success to the team at State Super.

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Ben Samild appointed as Chief Investment Officer of the Future Fund

August 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Ben Samild on his promotion to the role of Chief Investment Officer at the Future Fund, Australia’s sovereign wealth fund.

A ten-year veteran of the Future Fund and deputy CIO since 2021, Ben’s appointment will provide continuity and a deep understanding of the investment portfolio for the 90-strong investment team, which invests and manages assets of more than AU$250 billion for the benefit of future generations of Australians.

Ben’s appointment comes after a comprehensive global search in accordance with the Fund’s government processes. Ben will assume the CIO responsibilities from the Future Fund’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Raphael Arndt, who has been acting in the role since June 2022.

We wish Ben all the best in his new role and continued success to the team at Future Fund.

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August 2023 - Job opportunities for executives and senior investment professionals across our industry

August 2023

This month’s featured job vacancies and opportunities include roles at Aware Super, NSW TCorp, ART, HESTA, Mercer, QIC, Insignia Financial, CBUS, AustralianSuper, IFM Investors, Nuveen, Platinum Pacific Partners and more.

If you would like us to promote a job vacancy at your organisation for executive and senior investment roles, please contact us.

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John Iles joins CFS as Head of Cash Management and Derivatives

August 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates John Iles on joining Colonial First State (CFS) in the role Executive Director – Head of Cash Management and Derivatives.

CFS is one of the largest retail super funds in Australia with AU$145 billion in assets under management and a membership base of approximately 670,000.

We wish John all the best in his new role and continued success to the team at CFS.

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Cathy Hales appointed to newly-created role of CEO, Wealth Pacific at Mercer

July 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Cathy Hales on her appointment to the newly-created role of CEO, Wealth Pacific at Mercer.

In this role Cathy will lead Mercer’s wealth portfolio in Australia and New Zealand, which includes the Mercer Super Trust, one of the largest superannuation funds in Australia with approximately AU$63 billion in assets under management (as at 31 March 2023), the firm’s multi-manager and investment solutions business, and Mercer’s superannuation services arm which provides superannuation administration and financial advice to clients.

We wish Cathy all the best in her new role and continued success to the team at Mercer.

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Stuart Gray joins NSW TCorp as Senior Portfolio Manager Defensive Assets and Credit

July 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Stuart Gray on joining NSW Treasury Corporation (TCorp) in the role Senior Portfolio Manager Defensive Assets and Credit.

TCorp is the investment and financial management partner of the New South Wales government and its investment management arm manages AU$107 billion in assets on behalf of clients, as at 30 June 2023.

We wish Stuart all the best in his new role and continued success to the team at TCorp.

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Spotlight on Danica Hampton, Senior Portfolio Manager & Head of Sales-APAC, Adrian Lee & Partners

“Foreign currency exposures in the typical Australian portfolio have been increasing over time. This means the decisions investors make about the role currency plays in their portfolio, and how to manage currency risk, are becoming more important in terms of the impact on overall portfolio performance. Passive currency risk management served Australian investors well in the past, but market conditions have changed. Is it time to consider alternative strategies that combine risk management with active strategies to adapt to changing market conditions?”

Danica will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Fixed Income & Alternatives Investment Forum, taking place on Thursday, 7 September 2023 at the Westin Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email

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Spotlight on Alexander Philipps, Chief Investment Officer, Longview Partners

“Over the last decade both equity and fixed income investors have benefitted from the combination of low interest rates, low inflation, low unemployment and unprecedented levels of stimulus. This drove an environment where valuation appeared to be of secondary importance, for some investors. Such an approach may not work so well over the next decade, when many of these investment tailwinds may no longer exist, and our view is that a more nuanced approach will be required where valuation plays a critical role”, remarks Alexander Philipps, Chief Investment Officer, Longview Partners.

Alex will be presenting at Global Investment Institute’s upcoming Equities Investment Forum, taking place on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 at the Westin Melbourne, Victoria.

To register your interest in attending, click here or for more information email

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Peter Carey joins REST in a senior strategy and asset allocation role

July 2023

Global Investment Institute congratulates Peter Carey on joining REST in the role Portfolio Manager, Strategy and Dynamic Asset Allocation.

Established in 1988, REST is amongst the largest superannuation funds in Australia by membership, with approximately 1.9 million members and AU$66 billion in assets under management.

Peter joins REST from State Street Global Advisors, where he spent more than 5.5 years, most recently in the role Senior Portfolio Manager in the Investment Solutions Group.

Peter directly reports to Paul Docherty, REST’s head of research and portfolio construction. Both, Peter and Paul are part of Andrew Thomas’ team who runs the Fund’s investment strategy and asset allocation.

We wish Peter all the best in his new role and continued success to the team at REST.

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