Simon Esposito and Kiran Singh commence their roles as acting co-CIOs of Rest Super


Simon Esposito, Co-Chief Investment Officer & Head of Private Markets, Rest

Kiran Singh, Co-Chief Investment Officer & Head of Listed Assets, Rest

November 2024


Global Investment Institute congratulates Simon Esposito, Rest’s Head of Private Markets and Deputy CIO, and Kiran Singh, Rest’s Head of Listed Assets, on commencing in their roles as the interim co-Chief Investment Officers of the Fund.

Established in 1988, Rest is one of Australia’s largest profit-to-member superannuation funds with approximately 2 million members and around A$86 billion in assets under management (as at June 2024).

Simon joined Rest in 2014 and has served in a variety of roles with a primary focus on Rest’s fund and direct investments across unlisted property, infrastructure, agriculture and private equity assets. He was a senior member of the Super Investment Management team, Rest’s wholly owned investment management company, which was integrated into Rest’s Investment team in 2020.

Kiran joined Rest in May 2021 with responsibility for Rest’s listed equities, fixed income and credit asset classes, encompassing both internally and externally managed strategies. He has overseen the establishment and development of Rest’s first internal global equities function. 

Simon and Kiran commenced in their acting co-CIO roles in November 2024, and the Fund is searching for a replacement CIO, following Andrew Lill’s departure.

We wish Simon and Kiran all the best in their new roles and continued success to the team at Rest.